How to Take Care of Your Armpits in Summer and Detox Dark Underarms

How to Take Care of Your Armpits in Summer

“Summers are here!!!”, screamed Missy.
“So, what? We will beat it with ice creams” consoled Tanya.
“No, girl. I am scared about my exposed armpits. They are really dark and wearing halters is out of option for me.” Sighed Missy.
“Hmm… I know some ways to help you take care of this problem” comforted Tanya.

Who does not dread the summer season! While each season brings with it a different set of benefits and problems, the summer season seems to be extra troublesome. While some dread the heat, others are worried about their hair and skin, and then there are some (say, mothers) who are troubled about the vacations of their kids. I might not know the answers to many problems, but I can certainly help you take care of your skin in summers, especially armpits or underarms. These little areas underneath our shoulders need a little extra attention and care in summers.

How to Take Care of Armpits in Summer

If you want to stay fresh and free this summer by wearing your favorite tank tops, halters, cold shoulder tops, or sleeveless, you need to make sure your armpits are as lovely as your face. For this you need to:


A very important part of your armpit hygiene is cleansing. As they are tucked in corners, do not forget to cleanse your armpits thoroughly. For this, you need to apply soap or bath gel liberally and clean them. Pat them dry. Mere cleansing underarms help them keep away from problems like a bad odor, darkening, or even excessive sweating.


Just like your face, your underarms require exfoliation every now and then. If you do not remember to exfoliate them, assign a day or date for their exfoliation. Your underarms require weekly exfoliation. Exfoliation helps remove impurities that build up over time.


Yes, be it summer, winter or monsoon, you do not forget to moisturize your underarms. However, the type of moisturizer used changes with the season. Summers require a light moisturizer that helps smooth the skin but does not result in excessive sweating. Moisturize them immediately after bath for the best results.


Your underarms require a splash of coolness every now and then. For this, mere water will not help. Apply Aloe Vera gel twice a day and experience the instant freshness. Before applying Aloe Vera gel you can wipe your underarms with a wet cloth to prevent mix-up of odor.


Keep your attire minimalistic – meaning that you should not go overboard with decking up your dress. Avoid heavy fabric and scarves in summer to keep sweat at bay. Wearing cotton clothes work the best in the summer season. Being breathable fabric, cotton clothes are a good choice for your skin and especially, armpits.


Have you ever heard of underarm pads? Use them. They are quite helpful in the summer season. Not only do they absorb the excessive sweat, but keep your underarms clean and fresh. They even prevent your dress from spoiling near the armpits. With the help of underarm pads, you are saved from the embarrassment of sweat stains.


The best way to take care of your armpits in summer is to prevent problems rather than treating them. Application of baking soda mixed with water once a week keeps your underarms free of bacterial build-up and resulting infection. It even keeps odor at bay.

Try to keep your armpits dry this summer. This helps a lot in preventing a host of problems. After returning from a trip under the sun, cleanse your underarms and change into comfortable clothing.

How to Detox Your Armpits

Armpit detox might seem new to you but it is quite helpful in keeping your underarms fresh and lovely. There is no special detox as such for underarms but a little care will go a long way, making your summer stress-free.

Detox Mask

You need to apply a detox mask in your armpits to make them beautiful and healthy. For this, you need to prepare a paste out of Bentonite clay with apple cider vinegar. If required, add some water. Make sure you are not allergic to any of these by first applying it on a small patch. Spread it evenly on the armpits and let it rest for about 5-15 minutes. Wash it off with water. Applying this mask on the armpits, once a week, not only helps detox them but also keeps them fresh.

Body Odor

Begin with tackling bad odor. For this, prevention is better than cure. Using apple cider vinegar is one of the effective methods. In fact, if you are not fond of deodorants, then anti-bacterial properties of apple cider vinegar can help you. For this, you need cotton balls. Dip them in apple cider vinegar and apply on your underarms. If this sounds tedious, just use it as a rinse while bathing or as a spray.


For underarms detox, a detox diet is quite helpful. Stay away from foods that result in bad odor. If you are not aware of what causes bad odor, we are here to help you out. Caffeinated drinks are typical offenders. Also in line are pork, fried foods, alcohol, garlic, and onions. Hence, during summers, fresh salads and leafy greens are best recommended for staying healthy and odor-free.


My beauty posts never go water-free. Whatever be the problem, water is the solution for me. Hydrating will keep you away from many skin troubles this summer. Drink plenty of fluids like water, buttermilk, fresh juices and stay away from canned drinks. It not only cleanses your body of toxins but also helps you stay healthy.

How to Lighten Dark Underarms

If you think that you are the only one cursed with dark underarms, then you are wrong. Many people have the problem of dark underarms for several reasons. It might result from using razors on that sensitive part of your body. Some even complain of dark armpits because of hair-removal creams that are laden with chemicals. If you have a problem with excessive sweating, your armpits can darken gradually. Dead cells that accumulate on armpits or usage of deodorants can also lead to problematic underarms. Other reasons could be acanthosis nigricans, an ailment that results in darkening of underarms, smoker’s melanosis, melasma or even Addison’s disease.

If you suffer from dark underarms, then before opting for expensive cosmetic treatments, take a walk to your kitchen. Here are some remedies that you can try at home. However, these remedies will not give instant results. They are slow but steady. For them to work, you need to be regular and patient as well.

The Universal Baking Soda

If you are fond of baking, then this will be readily available in your pantry. Just make a paste out of three tablespoons of baking soda and a little water, probably a tablespoon would suffice. You need to make a thick paste out of it. Now, apply liberally on both the armpits. Let it rest for another 15 minutes. The paste will eventually dry up. Wash the armpits with cold water. You can perform this remedy once or twice a week for best results.

The Bleaching Lemon

Lemon acts as bleach is quite well-known. From whitening clothes to lightening face, lemon is used liberally. Use this yellow magic on your underarms as well to make them look envious. To further benefit out of this mask, add yogurt as well. Being rich in lactic acid, yogurt helps whiten your underarms and even dissolves dead skin. Take equal quantities of lemon juice and yogurt, about a tablespoon. Make a fine paste out of it. Apply liberally on the underarms. Make sure to massage the mask. Let it rest for 15 minutes or so. Wash the area with lukewarm water.

The Exfoliating Orange Peel

Orange peel is brimming with Vitamin C, a blessing for dark underarms. To make the most of oranges, peel them off. Spread orange peels on a sheet. You can either keep them under the sun or in a shade to dry. When the peels are dried, grind them, making a fine powder. This peel powder can be stored in a jar and used for weeks. Now to prepare the mask, you need to take about two tablespoons of orange peel powder. To increase the effectiveness and even the fragrance, add rose water to it. Prepare a thick paste. Apply on the underarms and let it rest for 15 minutes. Massage gently and wash it off using lukewarm water. Use it regularly once every week for visible results.

The Hydrating Cucumber

Sometimes your armpits require hydration that gets lost in sweat. Hence, the cucumber mask will help you keep your underarms stay fresh and hydrated. To prepare this pack, grate some cucumber and sieve the juice out of it. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder to the juice. Apply on the underarms and let it rest for 20 minutes. Gently massage and wash it off with lukewarm water.

The Moisturizing Milk

To make the most of milk, make sure you use it in raw form and not pasteurized. Raw milk is full of lactic acid that benefits your skin in more ways than one. To make raw milk work for your dark underarms, mix a tablespoon of it with a tablespoon of Bengal gram flour. Make sure that the paste is not runny but of thicker consistency. Apply this liberally over the underarms and let it rest. In about 15 minutes, the mask will dry up. Now wash it off gently with lukewarm water. You can use this pack almost daily as it does not have any harmful ingredients. This will help cleanse your underarms, lighten them and even moisturize them.

How to Prevent Dark Underarms

Prevention is better than cure, they say. Make sure that you do not end up with darker underarms by regularly taking care of them.

  • You need to moisturize your underarms, irrespective of the season. Change the moisturizer depending on the weather. You can make use of coconut oil or aloe vera for this as well.
  • Say no to deodorants and antiperspirants. They do not good to your skin. If you fear body odor, make use of apple cider vinegar, baking soda or even rose water.
  • Stay away from shaving and hair removal creams for your underarms. These are quite hard on your sensitive armpits and lead to darker underarms. Waxing is quite beneficial and prevents discoloration as well.
  • Stick to cleanse – exfoliate – moisturize – detox routine for healthy underarms.
  • Keep a check on your weight. Excessive fat under your arms can result in a discoloration at times.
  • Wear breathable fabric to keep bad odor away.
  • Stay away from excessive cosmetic treatments which might lead to more problems than cure.


Your underarms or armpits are quite sensitive. You cannot experiment with them. Before applying anything here, test it on a small patch. Even herbal remedies might result in rashes and irritation. For example, lemon does not suit everybody. Fresh and healthy underarms are not always a result of outside care. You also need to take a peek inside. Make sure your diet is healthy and you are hydrated all day long. Stay beautiful this summer by taking care of your skin. If I have missed something, please ping me in the comment section below.

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